Charcuterie & Wine - the perfect night! - White Horse

Adventures (4)

Charcuterie & Wine – the perfect night!

Last Wednesday we had the privilege of being joined by David of Capreolus Fine Foods and Aiden from Tanners Wines, for a special evening of Charcuterie and Wine pairings. Capreolus Fine Foods are an award-winning, family-owned English artisan Charcuterie producer in Rampisham, West Dorset, and one of our core suppliers for tasty cured meats. Tanners Wines are also a family-owned business with many awards and accolades acknowledging them as one of the very best wine merchants in the UK.

charcuterieThe night started, with Lardo Bruschetta, a Pork fat, cured for months before being fermented and infused with English Truffle Oil. Capreolus use only local rare-breed Sandy & Black pigs and the process of producing this tasty Charcuterie can take up to 7 months. The sharpness of the 2013 Blanquette de Limoux Brut cut through the fattiness, making it the perfect match.

Next we moved on to Dorset Nduja, a very hot and fiery soft Salami. Aiden suggested the 2014 Massaya Rose from Lebanon, and we agreed. The slightly savoury Rosé had much more structure than most other Rosés, holding up to the flavours of the Nduja and Ricotta.

The next two courses were both air-dried; first, the Beef which is cured in Rosemary, Juniper, Thyme and Port. Though it may sound like a Bresaola, David reminded us it was not, as it’s made in his hometown of Dorset. This was followed by Air-dried Pork Loin which was expertly paired with our current wine of the month, Amalaya.

During a short break between courses, David educated us on the Pork he uses. All the pigs are woodland reared by farmer Sam and fed on a diet of GM free nuts and cheese from another local producer of Dorset Blue Vinny.  Their well-controlled diet provides the pigs with high quality protein, helping produce a tender and full of flavour end product. Would you believe it?

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Moving back to dinner, we were served Smoked Duck, paired with a German Pinot Noir. Aiden proceeded to inform us that Germany are the third largest producer of Pinot Noir and that these particular grapes are grown in a very warm pine forest, giving it an almost gamey, yet light flavour, with a little smokeyness.

Almost at the end of our meal, and all starting to feel a little merry, we enjoyed the Pork Coppa with another German wine, this time a 2007 Riesling, before moving to Beech Wood-smoked Mutton with a Sicilian Allegracore.

For the grand finale, we enjoyed Duck Confit. Dry-cured legs are seasoned and cooked slowly in their own render, they were exceptionally tender and full of flavour. Perfectly matched with the Duck was the 2013 Madiran from France was a rich and full-flavoured red, with delicious fruits.

We were very privileged to have both these suppliers with us for the evening, and Peter, our Head Chef, devised an exceptional menu that everyone thoroughly enjoyed. We’re now busy planning our next few events for you Harpenden folk, so keep you eyes peeled over on our events page and be sure not to miss the next one we plan.

Written by donna

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